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Section 51-3-10. Control and maintenance of State parks. - The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism may control, supervise,...
Section 51-3-20. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Facilities limited to camping; buildings closed...
Section 51-3-30. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Penalties for violating Sections 51-3-10 or...
Section 51-3-40. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Edisto Beach State Park closed; Santee...
Section 51-3-50. Power to open parks to normal public use. - The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism shall open any...
Section 51-3-60. Use of facilities free of charge by aged, blind or disabled; disabled veterans; reduced rates for campsites. - Any South Carolina resident who is over sixty-five years of...
Section 51-3-65. Fee structure adjustments to maintain fiscal soundness and continued maintenance of system. - Notwithstanding Section 51-3-60, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism...
Section 51-3-70. Rules and regulations for State parks. - The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism may make such...
Section 51-3-80. Acquisitions of land. - The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism may accept gifts,...
Section 51-3-90. Sales, exchanges, or leases of lands; use of funds. - (A) The department may sell, exchange, or lease lands under...
Section 51-3-100. Necessary and incidental powers of Department. - The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism may in general...
Section 51-3-110. Use of unobligated funds to develop lands; sale of products. - When lands are acquired or leased under Section 51-3-80 the...
Section 51-3-120. Use of revenues from such lands. - The revenues derived from such lands owned by the Department...
Section 51-3-130. Obligations of Department payable only from revenues. - Obligations for the acquisition of land incurred by the Department...
Section 51-3-140. Defacement of State park. - Any person who (a) without permission of the Department of...
Section 51-3-145. Certain acts unlawful at state parks. - It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any...
Section 51-3-146. Penalties for certain unlawful acts. - Any person violating the provisions of Section 51-3-145 shall be...
Section 51-3-147. Authority of park rangers, superintendents and other officials as state constables; procedure upon apprehension of violators. - Park rangers, superintendents and other officials, who shall be designated...
Section 51-3-150. Trespass upon State park property. - Any person who attempts to use or who uses the...
Section 51-3-160. Department of Corrections and Department of Natural Resources may cooperate in development of public recreation facilities. - The Department of Corrections and the Department of Natural Resources...