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Section 41-18-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the "South Carolina Amusement...
Section 41-18-20. Legislative intent. - (A) The purpose of this chapter is to guard against...
Section 41-18-30. Applicability; exceptions. - (A) This chapter applies to amusement devices at carnivals, fairs,...
Section 41-18-40. Definitions. - As used in this chapter, except as otherwise expressly provided:...
Section 41-18-50. Permit required; transferability of permits. - No amusement device may be operated in the State without...
Section 41-18-60. Application for permit; duration; revocation. - (A) Before commencement of the operation of a permanent or...
Section 41-18-70. Inspection requirement. - Before a permit may be issued as provided in Sections...
Section 41-18-80. Inspection procedures. - (A) In the case of a permanent device, the amusement...
Section 41-18-90. Liability insurance requirement. - Before the Labor Division of the Department of Labor, Licensing...
Section 41-18-100. Discrimination; duties of owner or lessee in event of catastrophic accident or accident resulting in serious injury; inspection and correction of defects. - (A) The owner or amusement ride operator may deny any...
Section 41-18-110. Notice to owners and operators of amusement devices. - Upon request, the director shall furnish to all owners, lessees,...
Section 41-18-120. Promulgation of regulations; fees. - The director may promulgate regulations consistent with this chapter guarding...
Section 41-18-130. Duties of director. - The director is charged with the affirmative duty of administering...
Section 41-18-140. Preemption of local regulations. - No political subdivision may make or maintain any ordinance, bylaw,...
Section 41-18-150. Civil penalties. - (A) A person is subject to a civil penalty not...
Section 41-18-160. Catapulting amusement ride permit requirements. - (A) A catapulting amusement ride must meet the following requirements...
Section 41-18-170. Miniature train amusement ride requirements. - A miniature train amusement ride must satisfy the following requirements...
Section 41-18-300. Citation of article. - This article may be cited as the "South Carolina Rider...
Section 41-18-310. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Parent or guardian" means...
Section 41-18-320. Riders compliance with safety rules; reports of injuries. - (A) A rider of a carnival or amusement device shall...
Section 41-18-330. Obligations of parents and guardians of riders. - Parents or guardians of riders have a duty to ensure...
Section 41-18-340. Detention by security officer for safety warning violation; defense in civil action for detention. - (A) A security or law enforcement officer may detain a...
Section 41-18-350. Notice of safety warning compliance obligation; place of posting. - (A) The owner of a carnival or amusement device shall...
Section 41-18-360. Wilful violations; penalties. - A person who wilfully violates this article is guilty of...