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Section 40-54-10. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "Dealer" means any person,...
Section 40-54-20. Permit required; form; contents of application; investigation; issuance; term; fee; denial, suspension, or revocation. - (A) No dealer as defined herein shall operate in the...
Section 40-54-30. Permit to be posted. - A permit issued under this chapter shall be posted conspicuously...
Section 40-54-40. Dealer to keep records of certain purchases; identification of seller required; seller's identity not to be publicized. - (A)(1) Every dealer shall keep a book in which must...
Section 40-54-50. Purchases from minors; retention period of precious metals purchased; goods subject to inspection. - (A) No dealer may purchase any precious metal from a...
Section 40-54-60. Permit required for possession of certain equipment. - Possession of equipment which has been used, or is being...
Section 40-54-70. Civil liability of dealer to owner for knowingly purchasing stolen metal; reimbursement to dealer by owner under certain conditions. - Any dealer buying precious metal with knowledge that the metal...
Section 40-54-80. Penalties. - (A) Any dealer wilfully violating the provisions of this chapter...
Section 40-54-90. Chapter preempts local ordinances regulating business of purchasing precious metals. - The provisions of this chapter shall regulate the business of...
Section 40-54-100. Exempt transactions. - This chapter shall not apply to the following specific transactions:...