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Section 40-28-5. Application of other provisions to this chapter. - Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, Article 1, Chapter...
Section 40-28-10. Board of Landscape Architectural Examiners; creation; appointment of members; terms. - (A) There is created the Board of Landscape Architectural Examiners....
Section 40-28-20. Definitions. - In addition to the definitions provided in Section 40-1-20, as...
Section 40-28-30. Licensure; qualifications. - (A) In order to safeguard public welfare, health, and property...
Section 40-28-40. Application form for licensure. - The department shall prescribe and furnish an application for licensure...
Section 40-28-50. Seal of landscape architect. - A landscape architect, upon licensure, shall obtain a seal of...
Section 40-28-60. Renewal of license; requirements; reinstatement of license after lapse; return to active practice of emeritus landscape architect. - (A) A license issued under this chapter must be renewed...
Section 40-28-70. Landscape architecture firms; certificate of authorization; qualifications; application forms; disciplinary actions. - (A) The practice of or offer to practice landscape architecture...
Section 40-28-80. Administration of licensure program by Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation; annual fees. - (A) The program for licensure of landscape architects must be...
Section 40-28-90. Promulgation of regulations by board authorized. - The board may promulgate regulations necessary to carry out the...
Section 40-28-100. Power of board or department to seek injunctive relief. - In addition to the powers provided in Chapter 1, Title...
Section 40-28-110. Investigative procedures. - An investigation must be conducted in accordance with Section 40-1-80....
Section 40-28-120. Cease and desist orders and equitable relief. - Cease and desist orders and equitable relief may be obtained...
Section 40-28-130. Grounds for disciplinary action. - In addition to the grounds provided in Section 40-1-110, a...
Section 40-28-140. Board may impose sanctions for violations. - Upon determination by the board that one or more of...
Section 40-28-150. Denial of licensure. - The board may deny licensure to an applicant based on:...
Section 40-28-160. Voluntary surrender of license when under investigation for violation. - A licensee under investigation for a violation of this chapter...
Section 40-28-170. Person found in violation to pay costs of investigation and prosecution. - A person found in violation of this chapter or a...
Section 40-28-180. Payment of cost and fine for violation. - A cost and fine imposed pursuant to this chapter must...
Section 40-28-190. Confidentiality of investigations and proceedings. - An investigation and proceeding conducted under this chapter is confidential...
Section 40-28-200. Department may institute civil action for injunctive relief, fine. - The department, in addition to instituting a criminal proceeding, may...
Section 40-28-210. Persons exempt from licensure requirements of chapter. - This chapter may not be construed to require a license...
Section 40-28-220. Transfer of functions, powers, duties, responsibilities, and authority to board. - The functions, powers, duties, responsibilities, and authority statutorily exercised by...