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Section 39-57-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the South Carolina Business...
Section 39-57-20. "Business opportunity" defined; exceptions. - As used in this chapter "business opportunity" means the sale...
Section 39-57-30. Written disclosure document required of seller; contents of document. - At least forty-eight hours prior to the time the purchaser...
Section 39-57-40. Surety bond or trust account requirements. - If the business opportunity seller makes any of the representations...
Section 39-57-50. Registration and filing information with Secretary of State; penalty for failure to file. - (A) The seller of every business opportunity shall file with...
Section 39-57-55. Registration periods for biennial licenses; proration of fees during conversion to biennial cycle; renewals. - (A) Licenses required by Chapter 57 of Title 39 to...
Section 39-57-60. Seller prohibited from certain representations and acts. - Business opportunity sellers shall not: (1) Represent that the business...
Section 39-57-70. Business opportunity contracts to be in writing; terms to be included. - (a) Every business opportunity contract shall be in writing and...
Section 39-57-80. Purchaser may void contract; actions for damages; violations constitute unfair trade practice. - (a) If a business opportunity seller uses any untrue or...