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Section 39-41-5. Short title; purpose. - This chapter is known as the "South Carolina Gasoline, Lubricating...
Section 39-41-10. "Petroleum" and "petroleum product" defined. - "Petroleum" or "petroleum product" as used in this article means...
Section 39-41-70. Inspection of petroleum products. - All petroleum products sold or offered for sale in this...
Section 39-41-80. Promulgation of rules and regulations. - The Commissioner of Agriculture is authorized to promulgate rules and...
Section 39-41-90. Complaints, tests of safety and value of products; certain sales prohibited. - Whenever a complaint is made to the Department of Agriculture...
Section 39-41-150. Rules and regulations. - The Commissioner of Agriculture may issue such rules and regulations...
Section 39-41-160. Penalties for fraudulent violations. - A person who fraudulently commits the following violations is guilty...
Section 39-41-170. Penalties for selling petroleum product without a label. - If any person shall sell or offer for sale any...
Section 39-41-180. Penalties for altering or erasing labels. - If any manufacturer or dealer of such gasoline, illuminating or...
Section 39-41-185. Labeling of petroleum product dispensers. - (A) A motor fuel retail dealer may not transfer, sell,...
Section 39-41-190. Penalties. - A person who fails to comply with this article for...
Section 39-41-195. Penalties for conveyance of motor fuel in violation of this chapter. - (A) If a person or his agent or employee conveys,...
Section 39-41-200. Applicability of article to retailers. - The provisions of this article shall not apply to a...
Section 39-41-210. Reports. - The Commissioner of Agriculture shall include in his report to...
Section 39-41-220. Inspection of alcohol sold as motor fuel or sold for purpose of producing motor fuel. - Ethyl, methyl, and any other alcohol sold or offered for...
Section 39-41-230. Regulations for alcohol used in motor fuels; alcohol to be anhydrous. - The Department of Agriculture shall promulgate regulations under the provision...
Section 39-41-235. Preblended petroleum products and diesel fuel, sales; record status and registration; Renewable Identification Number system used; violation deemed unfair trade practice; wholesaler responsibilities. - (A) Regardless of other products offered, every terminal, as defined...
Section 39-41-240. Standards for testing petroleum products. - Quality and safety standards for testing of gasoline, gasohol, diesel...
Section 39-41-250. Registration of gasoline, gasohol and alcohol-gasoline mixtures by octane index; forms; index; standards. - All gasoline, gasohol and alcohol-gasoline mixtures for gasoline type engines...
Section 39-41-255. Retail outlets shall post self-service pump gasoline prices. - Every retail motor fuel outlet shall post in a conspicuous...
Section 39-41-260. Aboveground storage of flammable and combustible liquids. - (A) The storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible...
Section 39-41-270. Application of aboveground storage provisions. - The provisions of Section 39-41-260 of the 1976 Code, as...
Section 39-41-280. Enforcement of aboveground storage provisions. - The Division of State Fire Marshal or his designee shall...
Section 39-41-290. Dispensing gasoline to disabled persons at self service gas stations. - (A) An owner or operator shall conduct the operations of...
Section 39-41-295. Motor fuel dispensing at unattended service stations; automatic shutoff; fire extinguishers. - Notwithstanding Section 39-41-260, or any other provision of law, motor...
Section 39-41-310. Lubricating oil, unauthorized provision. - It shall be unlawful for any person to fill with...
Section 39-41-320. Display of false trademark or trade name of lubricating oil. - It shall be unlawful for any person to display on...
Section 39-41-330. Sale of oil specially designated from container not containing trademark or trade name. - It shall be unlawful for any person to fill any...
Section 39-41-340. Sale of oil without trademark or trade name and which is not labeled as unbranded. - It shall be unlawful for any person to fill an...
Section 39-41-350. Display of name of oil unless oil is for sale. - It shall be unlawful for any person to display any...
Section 39-41-360. Penalties. - Any person violating any of the provisions of this article...
Section 39-41-510. Deception in storage or sale. - No person shall store or sell, offer or expose for...
Section 39-41-520. Use of distributing devices of one manufacturer for products of another. - No person shall keep, expose, offer for sale or sell...
Section 39-41-530. Imitation of recognized buildings or equipment of another. - No person shall disguise or camouflage his buildings or equipment...
Section 39-41-540. Sale under false trademark or trade name. - No person shall expose or offer for sale or sell...
Section 39-41-550. Mixing, blending, or compounding products. - No person shall mix, blend or compound the liquid fuels,...
Section 39-41-560. Aiding or assisting in violations of article. - No person shall aid or assist any other person in...
Section 39-41-570. Penalties. - Every person violating any of the provisions of this article...