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Section 37-15-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the Prizes and Gifts...
Section 37-15-20. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "Anything of value", "item...
Section 37-15-30. Restrictions on representation that a person has won a prize or contest. - (A) No person, in connection with the sale, lease, or...
Section 37-15-40. Form and content of disclosures required as prerequisites to representation that person has chance to win something; exceptions; publisher of violative material not liable. - (A) No person, in connection with the sale, lease, or...
Section 37-15-50. Restriction of representation that person has been specially selected. - (A) No person may represent that another person has been...
Section 37-15-60. Use of simulated checks or invoices restricted. - In connection with a consumer transaction, no person may issue...
Section 37-15-70. Payment of excessive shipping or handling charges as precondition of receipt of gift or prize prohibited. - (A) It is unlawful to notify a person that the...
Section 37-15-80. Civil actions to enforce chapter; costs. - A consumer who suffers loss by reason of a violation...
Section 37-15-90. Violation of this chapter is unfair trade practice. - A violation of this chapter constitutes a prohibited practice under...
Section 37-15-100. Procedures exempted from application of sections 37-15-40 through 37-15-70. - Sections 37-15-40 through 37-15-70 do not apply to the sale,...