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Section 34-3-10. Use of "bank" or "banking" by other than banking institutions. - (A) A person in this State, other than a legalized...
Section 34-3-20. Provisions not applicable to national banks. - Nothing contained in Sections 34-3-30, 34-3-50, 34-3-60, 34-3-210 to 34-3-250,...
Section 34-3-30. Certain parts of bank charters repealed. - All parts of acts of incorporation granted to banking corporations...
Section 34-3-40. Shares of stock requisite for eligibility as bank director. - No stockholder in a corporation organized under the laws of...
Section 34-3-50. Officers and employees must be bonded. - All active officials and employees of any State bank shall...
Section 34-3-60. Repealed. - HISTORY: Former Section, titled Branch bank identification, had the following...
Section 34-3-65. Opening of deposit accounts at special events; conditions. - Financial institutions may provide for account service representatives to visit...
Section 34-3-70. False statements concerning solvency of bank. - Any person who shall falsely and wilfully and with intent...
Section 34-3-80. Criminal liability of bank official furnishing false certificate to Comptroller General. - Whenever an officer of any bank engaged in business in...
Section 34-3-90. Penalties. - Any violation of the provisions of Sections 34-1-60, 34-1-70, 34-3-310...
Section 34-3-100. Transaction of business in State by foreign bank. - Banks organized under the laws of a foreign government may...
Section 34-3-110. Crimes against a federally chartered or insured financial institution. - (A) A person knowingly may not execute, or attempt to...
Section 34-3-210. General powers of banking corporation. - Every banking corporation may: (1) Receive and pay out the...
Section 34-3-220. Acceptance of drafts and bills of exchange. - Every such banking corporation may accept drafts or bills of...
Section 34-3-230. Directors may make and change bylaws. - The directors of any bank may make and change bylaws,...
Section 34-3-240. Other powers of directors. - The directors may: (1) Appoint all necessary officers and employees...
Section 34-3-250. Association with national reserve association. - Any bank, banking association or trust company chartered and engaged...
Section 34-3-260. Transaction of business by wholly-owned subsidiary of state bank or trust company. - Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, a wholly-owned subsidiary...
Section 34-3-310. Examination of banks. - The State Board of Bank Control may cause to be...
Section 34-3-320. Examination fees; number of examinations annually. - The State Board of Financial Institutions shall fix the examination...
Section 34-3-330. Federal examinations. - Any examination made under the authority of any agency of...
Section 34-3-340. Reports and examinations by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. - The Commissioner of Banking may also, in his discretion, accept...
Section 34-3-350. Directors shall review reports of examinations. - Upon the examination of any state banking institution, the Commissioner...
Section 34-3-360. Form of notice to chief executive. - The form of notice from the Commissioner of Banking to...
Section 34-3-370. Form of report to Commissioner of Banking. - The form of report to the Commissioner of Banking referred...
Section 34-3-380. Report of condition. - All institutions doing business in this State in lending money...
Section 34-3-420. Statement shall be sent to Board; failure to report. - The statements referred to in Section 34-3-380 shall be sent...
Section 34-3-510. Records must be retained. - Every bank shall retain its business records for such periods...
Section 34-3-520. Regulations classifying records. - The State Board of Bank Control shall from time to...
Section 34-3-530. Destruction of records. - Any bank may dispose of any records which have been...
Section 34-3-540. Copies and reproductions of bank records; admissibility in evidence. - (A) Any corporation, institution, or association whose deposits are insured...
Section 34-3-550. Application of article. - This article shall be applicable to banks and trust companies...
Section 34-3-610. "Banking institution" defined. - The term "banking institution," as used in this article shall...
Section 34-3-620. Relationship with Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation generally. - Any banking institution organized under the laws of this State...
Section 34-3-630. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver or liquidator. - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may, with the approval of...
Section 34-3-640. Assets pass to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on appointment as receiver of liquidator. - Upon the acceptance of the appointment as receiver or liquidator...
Section 34-3-650. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation subrogated to rights of depositors paid by it. - Whenever any banking institution shall have been closed as aforesaid...
Section 34-3-660. Closed institutions may borrow or sell assets to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. - With respect to any banking institution which is closed (a)...
Section 34-3-810. National bank may become state bank; procedure. - (A) Subject to approval by the board, any banking corporation...
Section 34-3-820. Time corporate existence as state bank commences. - After the issuance of such certificate by the Secretary of...
Section 34-3-830. Transfer of assets, property, and rights of national or state bank. - At the time the corporate existence of such state bank...
Section 34-3-840. Directors and organization. - Unless otherwise elected by the shareholders of the national banking...
Section 34-3-850. Consolidation or merger of banks and trust companies. - (A) A bank or trust company organized under the laws...