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Section 27-37-10. Grounds for ejectment of tenant. - (A) The tenant may be ejected upon application of the...
Section 27-37-20. Ejectment proceedings. - Any tenant may be ejected in the following manner, to...
Section 27-37-30. Service of rule; posting and mailing requirements. - (A) The copy of the rule provided for in Section...
Section 27-37-40. Tenant ejected on failure to show cause. - If the tenant fails to appear and show cause within...
Section 27-37-50. Change of venue. - The magistrate may grant a change of venue in an...
Section 27-37-60. Trial of issue. - If the tenant appear and contest ejectment the magistrate shall...
Section 27-37-70. Designation of parties in ejectment. - In any trial before the magistrate in an ejectment case...
Section 27-37-80. Jury trial. - Either landlord or tenant may demand trial by jury. In...
Section 27-37-90. New trial. - When a jury is had in an ejectment case the...
Section 27-37-100. Effect of verdict for plaintiff. - If the verdict be for the plaintiff the magistrate shall...
Section 27-37-110. Effect of verdict for defendant. - If the verdict be for the defendant then the tenant...
Section 27-37-120. Appeal. - Either party may appeal in an ejectment case and such...
Section 27-37-130. Bond required to stay ejectment on appeal. - An appeal in an ejectment case will not stay ejectment...
Section 27-37-140. Action of tenant wrongfully dispossessed. - In case any tenant is wrongfully dispossessed he may have...
Section 27-37-150. Accrual of rent after institution of proceedings. - After the commencement of ejectment proceedings by the issuance of...
Section 27-37-155. Commercial lease contract claims and counterclaims. - (A) In any action involving a commercial lease where the...
Section 27-37-160. Execution of writ of ejectment. - In executing a writ of ejectment, the constable or deputy...