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Section 27-19-10. Notification of supposedly escheated lands by Secretary of State to judge of circuit court. - The Secretary of State, in every case when, on his...
Section 27-19-20. Inquest by jury; certification and recording of verdict. - The judge presiding at such court shall cause a jury,...
Section 27-19-30. Notice published in county where land lies. - On the return of any inquest of supposedly escheated lands...
Section 27-19-40. Petition by person claiming land; proceedings thereon. - Any person shall be heard on a traverse without delay...
Section 27-19-50. Damages for prosecution of escheat proceedings without probable cause. - If any suit for property supposed to be escheated shall...
Section 27-19-60. Renting out land pending conclusion of process of escheat. - When no claimant shall appear to make title as aforesaid,...
Section 27-19-70. Manner of pronouncing land escheated. - If no person shall appear and claim lands within twelve...
Section 27-19-80. Advertising land for sale; terms of sale. - As soon as the Secretary of State shall receive the...
Section 27-19-90. Division of land into tracts for sale. - When any such lands shall exceed six hundred acres and...
Section 27-19-100. Land may be bid in or purchased by Department of Administration; disposition of such lands. - At any sale of escheated property, if, in his judgment,...
Section 27-19-110. Compensation of person making good title to land within five years. - If any person shall appear within five years and make...
Section 27-19-120. Estates of felons shall not escheat. - No property shall be vested in the State or any...
Section 27-19-210. Secretary of State or Attorney General may sue for and recover moneys or personal property in hands of executor or administrator. - When any moneys or other personal estate shall be found...
Section 27-19-220. Advertising of moneys or property; vesting of property in State. - The State Treasurer shall advertise such moneys or other personal...
Section 27-19-230. Personal property of inmates dying in the Charleston Home. - If any inmate of the Charleston Home die intestate leaving...
Section 27-19-310. Duties of escheator devolved upon Secretary of State as agent of Department of Administration. - The duties of escheator are devolved upon the Secretary of...
Section 27-19-320. Purchase of land by Secretary of State prohibited; penalties. - The Secretary of State shall not, directly or indirectly, either...
Section 27-19-330. Assessment of costs and charges. - When any person shall appear and make title to lands...
Section 27-19-340. Disposition of proceeds of escheats. - The Secretary of State shall turn over to the State...
Section 27-19-350. Rights of persons under disability or absent from United States. - Nothing herein contained shall prejudice the rights of individuals having...
Section 27-19-360. Reports of Secretary of State and Department of Administration. - A report shall be made annually by the Secretary of...
Section 27-19-370. Liability of Secretary of State for misconduct or fraudulent practices. - If the Secretary of State shall fail to do his...
Section 27-19-380. Application of chapter. - Every part of this chapter and the mode herein prescribed...
Section 27-19-390. Chapter complementary to Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act. - The provisions of this chapter are complementary to and not...