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Section 27-1-10. Real estate made liable for debts, duties and demands. - Houses, lands and other hereditaments and real estate situated or...
Section 27-1-15. Recovery of attorney is fees and interest on claims for improvement of real estate. - Whenever a contractor, laborer, design professional, or materials supplier has...
Section 27-1-20. Appointment of surveyors where land title in dispute; nomination by parties. - If any cause be pending in any circuit court or...
Section 27-1-30. Appointment of surveyors where land title in dispute; nomination by court. - In case either of the parties shall refuse to nominate...
Section 27-1-40. Party walls in cities and towns. - Every person who shall erect in a city or town...
Section 27-1-50. Party walls in cities and towns; expense. - When the owner of such adjoining land shall build, he...
Section 27-1-60. Right of homeowner or tenant to fly United States flag; restrictive covenants and rental agreements; definitions. - (A) Regardless of any restrictive covenant, declaration, rule, contractual provision,...
Section 27-1-70. Real property transfer fee covenants unenforceable; definitions; policy; requirements for enforceability of prior transfer fee covenants. - (A) As used in this section: (1) "Association" means a...