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Section 16-7-10. Illegal acts during state of emergency. - (A) In any area designated by the Governor in his...
Section 16-7-20. Powers of law enforcement officers. - All law enforcement officers of the State or any of...
Section 16-7-30. Powers of national guardsmen. - Members of the South Carolina National Guard shall have the...
Section 16-7-40. Article is cumulative. - The provisions of this article are cumulative and in addition...
Section 16-7-110. Wearing masks and the like. - No person over sixteen years of age shall appear or...
Section 16-7-120. Placing burning or flaming cross in public place. - It shall be unlawful for any person to place or...
Section 16-7-130. Exceptions to Sections 16-7-110 and 16-7-120. - The provisions of Sections 16-7-110 and 16-7-120 shall not affect...
Section 16-7-140. Violations of Sections 16-7-110 and 16-7-120. - A person who violates any provision of Sections 16-7-110 and...
Section 16-7-150. Slander and libel. - Any person who shall with malicious intent originate, utter, circulate...
Section 16-7-160. Illegal use of stink bombs or other devices containing foul or offensive odors. - It is unlawful for a person, other than a peace...
Section 16-7-170. Entering public building for purpose of destroying records or other property. - Any person who enters into any private or public school,...