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Section 15-51-10. Civil action for wrongful act causing death. - Whenever the death of a person shall be caused by...
Section 15-51-20. Beneficiaries of action for wrongful death; by whom brought. - Every such action shall be for the benefit of the...
Section 15-51-30. Effect of illegitimacy. - In the event of the death of an illegitimate child...
Section 15-51-40. Damages; amount and to whom payable. - In every such action the jury may give damages, including...
Section 15-51-41. Court approval required for settlement of wrongful death or survival action. - Any settlement of a wrongful death or survival action must...
Section 15-51-42. Approval of settlements of wrongful death or survival actions. - (A) Only a duly appointed personal representative, as defined in...
Section 15-51-50. Liability for costs. - The executor or administrator, plaintiff in the action, shall be...
Section 15-51-60. Effect of action prior to death. - The provisions of this article shall not apply to any...
Section 15-51-210. When county is liable for damages for lynching. - In all cases of lynching when death ensues the county...