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Section 15-37-10. Costs generally. - In every civil action commenced or prosecuted in the courts...
Section 15-37-20. Costs allowed only to successful party. - No costs shall be allowed to any party unless he...
Section 15-37-30. Interest from time of verdict or report. - When the judgment is for the recovery of money, interest...
Section 15-37-40. Clerk shall insert costs and disbursements in judgment. - The clerk shall insert in the entry of judgment, on...
Section 15-37-50. Limitation on costs when tort judgment is less than one hundred dollars. - When in an action for assault, battery, false imprisonment, libel,...
Section 15-37-60. Costs in certain small partition and foreclosure cases. - The costs allowed by law in all cases of partition...
Section 15-37-80. Costs on postponement of trial. - When an application shall be made to a court or...
Section 15-37-90. Costs on motion. - Costs may be allowed on a motion, in the discretion...
Section 15-37-100. Costs on review of decision of inferior court in special proceeding. - When the decision of a court of inferior jurisdiction in...
Section 15-37-110. Adjustment of costs in interlocutory and special proceedings. - Whenever it shall be necessary to adjust costs in any...
Section 15-37-120. Costs for mileage. - No constructive mileage shall be allowed, but in all cases...
Section 15-37-130. Costs for references. - Costs for references shall only be taxed for the number...
Section 15-37-140. Costs to master, special master or referee. - The master, special master or referee shall be entitled to...
Section 15-37-160. Costs on uncontested claims. - No costs shall be allowed for proving uncontested claims; except...
Section 15-37-170. Costs against infant plaintiff. - When costs and disbursements are adjudged against an infant plaintiff...
Section 15-37-180. Costs against fiduciaries. - In an action prosecuted or defended by an executor, administrator,...
Section 15-37-190. Costs against assignee after action brought. - In actions in which the cause of action shall, by...
Section 15-37-200. Costs in action prosecuted by the State. - In all civil actions prosecuted in the name of the...
Section 15-37-210. Costs in action prosecuted in name of the State. - In an action prosecuted in the name of the State...
Section 15-37-220. Officers may take out execution for costs. - Whenever a case may be (a) settled or determined at...