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Section 14-8-10. Court of Appeals created; number of judges. - There is hereby created the Court of Appeals (the Court),...
Section 14-8-20. Election of members of the court; terms of office. - (a) The members of the Court shall be elected by...
Section 14-8-30. Qualifications for office. - No person shall be eligible for the office of Chief...
Section 14-8-40. Oath of office. - The judges of the Court shall qualify within twelve months...
Section 14-8-50. Salary; prohibition on holding other offices. - The Chief Judge and the associate judges shall receive such...
Section 14-8-60. Vacancies. - All vacancies in the Court shall be filled in the...
Section 14-8-70. Presiding in certain cases prohibited. - In addition to the prohibitions of Section 14-1-130, no judge...
Section 14-8-80. Court to sit in panels or as a whole; administration by Chief Justice; assignment of members to panels; distribution of cases; quorum; concurrence required for reversals. - (a) The Court shall sit in three panels of three...
Section 14-8-90. When the Court may sit en banc. - (a) The Court may sit en banc to hear cases...
Section 14-8-100. Reporting of opinions and decisions by Supreme Court reporter; appointment of assistant reporter. - The Supreme Court reporter shall report the opinions and decisions...
Section 14-8-110. Duties of Clerk of Supreme Court; appointment of clerk of Court of Appeals to aid clerk of Supreme Court. - The Clerk of the Supreme Court, in a manner prescribed...
Section 14-8-120. Editing, publishing, and distributing of opinions and decisions. - Editing, publishing, and distributing of the opinions and decisions of...
Section 14-8-130. Sheriff to serve and execute order or process. - The Court of Appeals may require the sheriff of each...
Section 14-8-200. Jurisdiction of Court; limitations. - (a) Except as limited by subsection (b) and Section 14-8-260,...
Section 14-8-210. Review by Supreme Court. - (a) The decisions of a panel of the court and...
Section 14-8-220. Power of Court and judges to administer oaths and writs; appeal. - The Court and each of the judges thereof shall have...
Section 14-8-230. Rules governing administration. - The Supreme Court shall promulgate rules governing the administration of...
Section 14-8-240. Records. - The Court shall be a court of record, and the...
Section 14-8-250. Points necessary to decision of appeal and fairly arising upon record, with reason for Court's decision, to be preserved in writing. - In every decision rendered by the Court, every point distinctly...
Section 14-8-260. Notice of intent to appeal; determination of cases assigned to Court of Appeals. - In all cases within the jurisdiction of the court as...
Section 14-8-270. Appeal from interlocutory orders involving injunctions. - In case of an appeal from an interlocutory order or...
Section 14-8-280. Certification of issues of fact to lower courts; appointment of referees. - Whenever in the course of any action or proceeding in...
Section 14-8-290. Powers of judge at chambers. - Each of the judges of the Court shall have the...
Section 14-8-400. Terms of Court; order of docketing. - Subject to the supervision of the Chief Justice of the...
Section 14-8-410. Where Court may sit. - The Court shall sit and maintain its principal offices in...
Section 14-8-420. Cases not heard in period allotted. - If the case on the calendar and set for hearing...
Section 14-8-430. Supreme Court to promulgate rules. - Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 14-3-940 and 14-3-950, the...
Section 14-8-450. Court not limited to places designated by law for holding court. - The Court may be held in other buildings than those...
Section 14-8-500. Publication and distribution of opinions and decisions. - Editing, publishing and distribution of the opinions and decisions of...
Section 14-8-550. Court of Appeals to be part of unified judicial system. - The Court herein established shall be a part of the...