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Section 1-17-10. Commission on Interstate Cooperation. - The Commission on Interstate Cooperation shall be composed of fifteen...
Section 1-17-20. Committee on Interstate Cooperation of Senate. - The standing Committee on Interstate Cooperation of the Senate shall...
Section 1-17-30. Committee on Interstate Cooperation of House of Representatives. - The standing Committee on Interstate Cooperation of the House of...
Section 1-17-40. Terms of members of Commission and Committees. - The standing Committee of the Senate and the standing Committee...
Section 1-17-50. Duties of Commission. - The South Carolina Commission on Interstate Cooperation shall encourage and...
Section 1-17-60. Committees established by Commission to conduct conferences and formulate proposals concerning cooperation; advisory boards. - The Commission shall establish such committees as it deems advisable...
Section 1-17-70. Reports; compensation and powers of Commission. - The Commission shall report to the Governor and to the...