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Section 42-44.1-1. - Legislative findings and intent. - § 42-44.1-1. Legislative findings and intent. It is the finding...
Section 42-44.1-2. - Definitions. - § 42-44.1-2. Definitions. The following words and terms, unless the...
Section 42-44.1-3. - Sewage and water supply failure program. - § 42-44.1-3. Sewage and water supply failure program. (a) There...
Section 42-44.1-4. - Administration of the program. - § 42-44.1-4. Administration of the program. The department of environmental...
Section 42-44.1-5. - Bonds authorized — Maturity — Certification and execution. - § 42-44.1-5. Bonds authorized — Maturity — Certification and execution....
Section 42-44.1-6. - Sewage system and water supply failure. - § 42-44.1-6. Sewage system and water supply failure. The general...
Section 42-44.1-7. - Temporary notes. - § 42-44.1-7. Temporary notes. (a) The general treasurer is hereby...
Section 42-44.1-8. - Advances from general fund in anticipation of the issue of notes or bonds. - § 42-44.1-8. Advances from general fund in anticipation of the...
Section 42-44.1-9. - Bonds and notes tax exempt general obligation of state. - § 42-44.1-9. Bonds and notes tax exempt general obligation of...
Section 42-44.1-10. - Terms and conditions of sales — Applications of premiums and accrued interest — Validity not affected by change in office. - § 42-44.1-10. Terms and conditions of sales — Applications of...
Section 42-44.1-11. - Investment of moneys pending expenditures. - § 42-44.1-11. Investment of moneys pending expenditures. All moneys in...
Section 42-44.1-12. - Amortization. - § 42-44.1-12. Amortization. For the purpose of paying any expenses...
Section 42-44.1-13. - Severability. - § 42-44.1-13. Severability. If any provisions of this chapter or...