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Section 42-34-1. - Creation of authority. - § 42-34-1. Creation of authority. There is hereby created the...
Section 42-34-2. - Purpose. - § 42-34-2. Purpose. (a) It is declared that a state-wide...
Section 42-34-3. - Credit of state pledged. - § 42-34-3. Credit of state pledged. The Rhode Island industrial-recreational...
Section 42-34-4. - Organization of authority. - § 42-34-4. Organization of authority. (a) The Rhode Island industrial-recreational...
Section 42-34-5. - Manager. - § 42-34-5. Manager. (a) The manager shall be appointed by...
Section 42-34-6. - Definitions. - § 42-34-6. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following...
Section 42-34-7. - Powers. - § 42-34-7. Powers. The authority is authorized and empowered: (1)...
Section 42-34-8. - Permission to lease or rent property after default. - § 42-34-8. Permission to lease or rent property after default....
Section 42-34-9. - Mortgage insurance fund: Subrogation. - § 42-34-9. Mortgage insurance fund: Subrogation. (a) There is hereby...
Section 42-34-10. - Insurance of mortgages. - § 42-34-10. Insurance of mortgages. (a) The authority is authorized,...
Section 42-34-11. - Mortgage insurance premiums. - § 42-34-11. Mortgage insurance premiums. The authority is authorized to...
Section 42-34-12. - Authority’s expenses. - § 42-34-12. Authority’s expenses. The authority may in its discretion...
Section 42-34-13. - Mortgages eligible for investment. - § 42-34-13. Mortgages eligible for investment. Mortgages insured by the...
Section 42-34-14. - Record of accounts. - § 42-34-14. Record of accounts. The authority shall keep proper...
Section 42-34-15. - Additions to mortgage insurance fund. - § 42-34-15. Additions to mortgage insurance fund. (a) If from...
Section 42-34-15.1. - Agreement of state. - § 42-34-15.1. Agreement of state. The state of Rhode Island...
Section 42-34-16. - Interest of members of authority. - § 42-34-16. Interest of members of authority. No member of...
Section 42-34-17. - Severability. - § 42-34-17. Severability. The provisions of this chapter are severable,...
Section 42-34-18. - Appropriations. - § 42-34-18. Appropriations. For the purpose of establishing the mortgage...