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Section 24-15-1. - Purpose. - § 24-15-1. Purpose. In order to create and preserve rustic...
Section 24-15-2. - Definitions. - § 24-15-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) “Board”...
Section 24-15-3. - Designation as a scenic highway. - § 24-15-3. Designation as a scenic highway. The director, or...
Section 24-15-4. - Withdrawal of highways from scenic highways system. - § 24-15-4. Withdrawal of highways from scenic highways system. After...
Section 24-15-5. - Joint jurisdiction of highways. - § 24-15-5. Joint jurisdiction of highways. Highways under the joint...
Section 24-15-6. - Local authority. - § 24-15-6. Local authority. The director and the municipalities and...
Section 24-15-7. - Funding. - § 24-15-7. Funding. State aid for scenic highways shall be...
Section 24-15-8. - Scenic highways marking signs — State payment. - § 24-15-8. Scenic highways marking signs — State payment. The...
Section 24-15-9. - Rules and standards. - § 24-15-9. Rules and standards. The board shall promulgate rules...
Section 24-15-10. - Creation of board. - § 24-15-10. Creation of board. There is hereby authorized, created...
Section 24-15-10.1. - Chair, quorum and removal for cause. - § 24-15-10.1. Chair, quorum and removal for cause. (a) Upon...
Section 24-15-10.2. - Powers and duties. - § 24-15-10.2. Powers and duties. In addition to the duties...