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Section 17-25.2-1. - Short title. - § 17-25.2-1. Short title. This chapter shall be known and...
Section 17-25.2-2. - Declaration of policy. - § 17-25.2-2. Declaration of policy. It is declared to be...
Section 17-25.2-3. - Definitions. - § 17-25.2-3. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless a...
Section 17-25.2-4. - No limitations on contributions or expenditures. - § 17-25.2-4. No limitations on contributions or expenditures. Nothing contained...
Section 17-25.2-5. - Reporting by ballot question advocates. - § 17-25.2-5. Reporting by ballot question advocates. (a) Every ballot-question...
Section 17-25.2-6. - Monies not expended on ballot measure. - § 17-25.2-6. Monies not expended on ballot measure. (a) At...
Section 17-25.2-7. - Disclosure of true origin of contributions required. - § 17-25.2-7. Disclosure of true origin of contributions required. (a)...
Section 17-25.2-8. - Duties and powers of the board of elections. - § 17-25.2-8. Duties and powers of the board of elections....
Section 17-25.2-9. - Penalties for violation. - § 17-25.2-9. Penalties for violation. (a) Whenever the board of...
Section 17-25.2-10. - Severability. - § 17-25.2-10. Severability. If any provision of this chapter or...