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Section 17-2-1. - General officers enumerated — Election and terms. - § 17-2-1. General officers enumerated — Election and terms. The...
Section 17-2-2. - Death or incapacity of governor elect. - § 17-2-2. Death or incapacity of governor elect. When the...
Section 17-2-3. - Elections by general assembly on failure to elect or incapacity of person elected. - § 17-2-3. Elections by general assembly on failure to elect...
Section 17-2-4. - Filling vacancies in offices of governor and lieutenant governor. - § 17-2-4. Filling vacancies in offices of governor and lieutenant...
Section 17-2-5. - Vacancies in other general offices. - § 17-2-5. Vacancies in other general offices. In case of...
Section 17-2-6. - Majority required in general assembly — Term of officer elected to fill vacancy. - § 17-2-6. Majority required in general assembly — Term of...