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Section 11-32-1. - Obstructing officer in execution of duty. - § 11-32-1. Obstructing officer in execution of duty. Every person...
Section 11-32-2. - False report of crime. - § 11-32-2. False report of crime. Every person who shall...
Section 11-32-3. - Obstruction of the judicial system. - § 11-32-3. Obstruction of the judicial system. Whoever corruptly, maliciously,...
Section 11-32-4. - Definitions. - § 11-32-4. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the...
Section 11-32-5. - Intimidation of witnesses and victims of crimes. - § 11-32-5. Intimidation of witnesses and victims of crimes. (a)...
Section 11-32-6. - Jurisdiction of district, superior and family courts. - § 11-32-6. Jurisdiction of district, superior and family courts. (a)...
Section 11-32-7. - Pretrial release. - § 11-32-7. Pretrial release. (a) Any pretrial release of any...