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87.52.001 - Actions subject to review by boundary review board. - RCW 87.52.001 Actions subject to review by boundary review board....
87.52.010 - Dissolution authorized. - RCW 87.52.010 Dissolution authorized. Any irrigation district, organized and existing...
87.52.015 - Petition. - RCW 87.52.015 Petition. A petition signed by one-third or more...
87.52.030 - Election—Ballots—Qualified electors. - RCW 87.52.030 Election—Ballots—Qualified electors. Upon the delivery of said petition...
87.52.040 - Vote required—Petition to court—Notice and publication of hearing—Court order. - RCW 87.52.040 Vote required—Petition to court—Notice and publication of hearing—Court...
87.52.060 - Board of directors as trustees—Duties—Records to be delivered to clerk. - RCW 87.52.060 Board of directors as trustees—Duties—Records to be delivered...
87.52.070 - Dissolution when not brought under irrigation for twenty years. - RCW 87.52.070 Dissolution when not brought under irrigation for twenty...
87.52.080 - Petition. - RCW 87.52.080 Petition. A petition signed by twenty-five or more...
87.52.090 - Election—Procedure when three-fifths vote for disorganization. - RCW 87.52.090 Election—Procedure when three-fifths vote for disorganization. Upon the...