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87.19.005 - Method not exclusive. - RCW 87.19.005 Method not exclusive. In addition to any other...
87.19.010 - Refunding bonds authorized—Election. - RCW 87.19.010 Refunding bonds authorized—Election. Whenever the board of directors...
87.19.020 - Notice and conduct of election. - RCW 87.19.020 Notice and conduct of election. The notice of...
87.19.030 - Form of bonds, interest, maturity, etc. - RCW 87.19.030 Form of bonds, interest, maturity, etc. (1) Said...
87.19.040 - Bonds to be refunded in series. - RCW 87.19.040 Bonds to be refunded in series. Where the...
87.19.050 - Refunding bonds may be exchanged or sold—Record. - RCW 87.19.050 Refunding bonds may be exchanged or sold—Record. Bonds...