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85.18.005 - Declaration of purpose. - RCW 85.18.005 Declaration of purpose. The state declares that it...
85.18.010 - Levy for continuous benefits authorized—Base benefits. - RCW 85.18.010 Levy for continuous benefits authorized—Base benefits. When any...
85.18.020 - Roll of protected property. - RCW 85.18.020 Roll of protected property. To operate under this...
85.18.030 - Hearing on roll—Determining continuous base benefit. - RCW 85.18.030 Hearing on roll—Determining continuous base benefit. After the...
85.18.040 - Notice of hearing. - RCW 85.18.040 Notice of hearing. The notice of the time...
85.18.050 - Procedure on hearing—Objections. - RCW 85.18.050 Procedure on hearing—Objections. At said hearing, or adjournments...
85.18.060 - Additional roll as to particular property—Procedure. - RCW 85.18.060 Additional roll as to particular property—Procedure. The board...
85.18.070 - Roll to be certified and filed. - RCW 85.18.070 Roll to be certified and filed. When any...
85.18.080 - Roll to provide basis for levy. - RCW 85.18.080 Roll to provide basis for levy. Until further...
85.18.090 - Roll and proceedings conclusive—Exceptions—Right to injunction. - RCW 85.18.090 Roll and proceedings conclusive—Exceptions—Right to injunction. Whenever any...
85.18.100 - Review by superior court—How taken. - RCW 85.18.100 Review by superior court—How taken. The decision of...
85.18.110 - Review by superior court—Transcript—Contents—Filing. - RCW 85.18.110 Review by superior court—Transcript—Contents—Filing. Within ten days from...
85.18.120 - Review by superior court—Filing fee—Bond—Priority of cause. - RCW 85.18.120 Review by superior court—Filing fee—Bond—Priority of cause. The...
85.18.130 - Review by superior court—Scope—Judgment. - RCW 85.18.130 Review by superior court—Scope—Judgment. At the trial the...
85.18.140 - Appellate review. - RCW 85.18.140 Appellate review. Appellate review may be sought as...
85.18.150 - Levy is for continuous benefits only. - RCW 85.18.150 Levy is for continuous benefits only. The dollar...
85.18.160 - Annual estimate of costs—Levy as part of general taxes. - RCW 85.18.160 Annual estimate of costs—Levy as part of general...
85.18.170 - Emergency expenditures—Warrants. - RCW 85.18.170 Emergency expenditures—Warrants. In the case of an emergency...
85.18.180 - Levy is exclusive method for raising revenue—Exception. - RCW 85.18.180 Levy is exclusive method for raising revenue—Exception. Any...