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81.116.010 - Definitions. - RCW 81.116.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
81.116.020 - Pilotage services—Tariffs—Commission shall establish—Duties. - RCW 81.116.020 Pilotage services—Tariffs—Commission shall establish—Duties. (1) The commission shall...
81.116.030 - Filing of revised tariff—Requirements—Notice of petition—Effective date—Burden of proof. - RCW 81.116.030 Filing of revised tariff—Requirements—Notice of petition—Effective date—Burden of...
81.116.040 - Dispute resolution. - RCW 81.116.040 Dispute resolution. The commission shall encourage alternative forms...
81.116.050 - Tariffs established shall remain in effect. - RCW 81.116.050 Tariffs established shall remain in effect. The tariffs...
81.116.060 - Costs for setting of tariff rates. - RCW 81.116.060 Costs for setting of tariff rates. The commission...
81.116.900 - Implementation—2018 c 107. - RCW 81.116.900 Implementation—2018 c 107. To ensure that this act...