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70A.405.005 - Findings. - RCW 70A.405.005 Findings. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been used...
70A.405.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70A.405.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
70A.405.020 - Manufacture, sale, or distribution of noncomestible products containing PBDEs—Exemptions. - RCW 70A.405.020 Manufacture, sale, or distribution of noncomestible products containing...
70A.405.030 - Manufacture, sale, or distribution of products containing commercial deca-bde—Departments review of commercial deca-bde alternatives—Effective date of prohibitions. - RCW 70A.405.030 Manufacture, sale, or distribution of products containing commercial...
70A.405.040 - Fire safety committee. - RCW 70A.405.040 Fire safety committee. (1) The fire safety committee...
70A.405.050 - Departments review of commercial deca-bde alternatives and effects of PBDEs in waste stream—Publication. - RCW 70A.405.050 Departments review of commercial deca-bde alternatives and effects...
70A.405.060 - Exclusions from chapter—Transportation and storage. - RCW 70A.405.060 Exclusions from chapter—Transportation and storage. Nothing in this...
70A.405.070 - Notification to sellers. - RCW 70A.405.070 Notification to sellers. A manufacturer of products containing...
70A.405.080 - Assistance to state agencies. - RCW 70A.405.080 Assistance to state agencies. The department shall assist...
70A.405.090 - Retailers—Liability—Existing stock. - RCW 70A.405.090 Retailers—Liability—Existing stock. (1) Retailers who unknowingly sell products...
70A.405.100 - Enforcement—Achieving compliance with chapter—Enforcement sequence—Recall—Penalties. - RCW 70A.405.100 Enforcement—Achieving compliance with chapter—Enforcement sequence—Recall—Penalties. (1) Enforcement of...
70A.405.110 - Rules. - RCW 70A.405.110 Rules. The department may adopt rules to fully...