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70A.25.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70A.25.010 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the...
70A.25.020 - Programs. - RCW 70A.25.020 Programs. (1) The department shall conduct a public...
70A.25.030 - Vehicle inspections—Failed—Certificate of acceptance. - RCW 70A.25.030 Vehicle inspections—Failed—Certificate of acceptance. (1) Any person: (a)...
70A.25.040 - Vehicle inspections—Fleets. - RCW 70A.25.040 Vehicle inspections—Fleets. The director may authorize an owner...
70A.25.050 - Vehicle inspections—Complaints. - RCW 70A.25.050 Vehicle inspections—Complaints. The department shall investigate complaints received...
70A.25.060 - Rules. - RCW 70A.25.060 Rules. The director shall adopt rules implementing and...
70A.25.070 - Authority. - RCW 70A.25.070 Authority. The authority granted by this chapter to...
70A.25.080 - Vehicle emission and equipment standards—Designation of noncompliance areas and emission contributing areas. - RCW 70A.25.080 Vehicle emission and equipment standards—Designation of noncompliance areas...
70A.25.090 - Noncompliance areas—Annual review. - RCW 70A.25.090 Noncompliance areas—Annual review. (1) The director shall review...
70A.25.110 - Used vehicles. - RCW 70A.25.110 Used vehicles. (1) Motor vehicle dealers selling a...
70A.25.120 - Clean-fuel performance and clean-fuel vehicle emissions specifications. - RCW 70A.25.120 Clean-fuel performance and clean-fuel vehicle emissions specifications. By...
70A.25.130 - Scientific advisory board—Composition of board—Duties. - RCW 70A.25.130 Scientific advisory board—Composition of board—Duties. The department shall...
70A.25.900 - Effective date—1989 c 240. - RCW 70A.25.900 Effective date—1989 c 240. This act shall take...