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70A.235.010 - Legislative findings. - RCW 70A.235.010 Legislative findings. The legislature finds that beverage containers...
70A.235.020 - Definitions. - RCW 70A.235.020 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the...
70A.235.030 - Sale of containers with detachable metal rings or tabs prohibited. - RCW 70A.235.030 Sale of containers with detachable metal rings or...
70A.235.040 - Enforcement—Rules. - RCW 70A.235.040 Enforcement—Rules. The department shall administer and enforce this...
70A.235.050 - Penalty. - RCW 70A.235.050 Penalty. Except as provided in RCW 43.05.060 through...
70A.235.900 - Effective date—Implementation—1982 c 113. - RCW 70A.235.900 Effective date—Implementation—1982 c 113. This act shall take...