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70A.224.005 - Finding. - RCW 70A.224.005 Finding. (1) The legislature finds that: (a) Millions...
70A.224.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70A.224.010 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the...
70A.224.020 - Used oil recycling element. - RCW 70A.224.020 Used oil recycling element. (1) Each local government...
70A.224.030 - Used oil recycling element guidelines—Waiver—Statewide goals. - RCW 70A.224.030 Used oil recycling element guidelines—Waiver—Statewide goals. (1) The...
70A.224.040 - Oil sellers—Education responsibility—Penalty. - RCW 70A.224.040 Oil sellers—Education responsibility—Penalty. (1) A person annually selling...
70A.224.050 - Statewide education. - RCW 70A.224.050 Statewide education. The department shall conduct a public...
70A.224.060 - Disposal of used oil—Penalty. - RCW 70A.224.060 Disposal of used oil—Penalty. (1) Effective January 1,...
70A.224.070 - Used oil transporter and processor requirements—Civil penalties. - RCW 70A.224.070 Used oil transporter and processor requirements—Civil penalties. (1)...
70A.224.080 - Above-ground used oil collection tanks. - RCW 70A.224.080 Above-ground used oil collection tanks. By January 1,...
70A.224.900 - Short title. - RCW 70A.224.900 Short title. This chapter shall be known and...