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70A.140.010 - Purpose—Legislative intent. - RCW 70A.140.010 Purpose—Legislative intent. The long-range health and economic and...
70A.140.020 - Definitions. - RCW 70A.140.020 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the...
70A.140.030 - Agreements with service providers—Contents—Sources of funds for periodic payments under agreements. - RCW 70A.140.030 Agreements with service providers—Contents—Sources of funds for periodic...
70A.140.040 - Service agreements and related agreements—Procedural requirements. - RCW 70A.140.040 Service agreements and related agreements—Procedural requirements. The legislative...
70A.140.050 - Sale, lease, or assignment of public property to service provider—Use for services to public body. - RCW 70A.140.050 Sale, lease, or assignment of public property to...
70A.140.060 - Public body eligible for grants or loans—Use of grants or loans. - RCW 70A.140.060 Public body eligible for grants or loans—Use of...
70A.140.070 - RCW 70A.140.030 through 70A.140.060 to be additional method of providing services. - RCW 70A.140.070 RCW 70A.140.030 through 70A.140.060 to be additional method...
70A.140.080 - Application of other chapters to service agreements under this chapter—Prevailing wages. - RCW 70A.140.080 Application of other chapters to service agreements under...
70A.140.900 - Short title. - RCW 70A.140.900 Short title. This chapter may be cited as...