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70.84.010 - Declaration—Policy. - RCW 70.84.010 Declaration—Policy. The legislature declares: (1) It is the...
70.84.020 - "Dog guide" defined. - RCW 70.84.020 "Dog guide" defined. For the purpose of this...
70.84.021 - "Service animal" defined. - RCW 70.84.021 "Service animal" defined. For the purpose of this...
70.84.040 - Precautions for drivers of motor vehicles approaching a wheelchair user or pedestrian who is using a white cane, dog guide, or service animal. - RCW 70.84.040 Precautions for drivers of motor vehicles approaching a...
70.84.050 - Handicapped pedestrians not carrying white cane or using dog guide—Rights and privileges. - RCW 70.84.050 Handicapped pedestrians not carrying white cane or using...
70.84.060 - Unauthorized use of white cane, dog guide, or service animal. - RCW 70.84.060 Unauthorized use of white cane, dog guide, or...
70.84.070 - Penalty for violations. - RCW 70.84.070 Penalty for violations. Any person or persons, firm...
70.84.080 - Employment of persons with disabilities in public service. - RCW 70.84.080 Employment of persons with disabilities in public service....
70.84.900 - Short title. - RCW 70.84.900 Short title. This chapter shall be known and...