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70.352.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70.352.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter: (1)...
70.352.020 - Registration—When required. - RCW 70.352.020 Registration—When required. (1) Each dental laboratory operating, doing...
70.352.030 - Application for registration or renewal—Requirements—Fee. - RCW 70.352.030 Application for registration or renewal—Requirements—Fee. (1) Each dental...
70.352.040 - Dental laboratory registration number—Required uses. - RCW 70.352.040 Dental laboratory registration number—Required uses. (1) Upon granting...
70.352.050 - Eligibility for dental laboratory registration—Qualifications—Requirements. - RCW 70.352.050 Eligibility for dental laboratory registration—Qualifications—Requirements. (1) Effective January...
70.352.060 - Annual renewal of registration. - RCW 70.352.060 Annual renewal of registration. Each dental laboratory registered...
70.352.070 - Violation of chapter—Legal action authorized. - RCW 70.352.070 Violation of chapter—Legal action authorized. If a dental...
70.352.900 - Application of RCW 70.352.010 through 70.352.070. - RCW 70.352.900 Application of RCW 70.352.010 through 70.352.070. RCW 70.352.010...