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70.250.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70.250.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
70.250.030 - Implementation of evidence-based best practice guidelines or protocols. - RCW 70.250.030 Implementation of evidence-based best practice guidelines or protocols....
70.250.040 - Application of section 135(a) of the medicare improvements for patients and providers act of 2008. - RCW 70.250.040 Application of section 135(a) of the medicare improvements...
70.250.050 - Robert Bree collaborative—Duties—Membership. - RCW 70.250.050 Robert Bree collaborative—Duties—Membership. (1) Consistent with the authority...
70.250.060 - Sexual and reproductive health services—Review and recommendations for improvement—Report to legislature and governor. - RCW 70.250.060 Sexual and reproductive health services—Review and recommendations for...
70.250.900 - Effective date—2009 c 258. - RCW 70.250.900 Effective date—2009 c 258. This act is necessary...