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70.15.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70.15.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
70.15.020 - Applicability to volunteer health practitioners. - RCW 70.15.020 Applicability to volunteer health practitioners. This chapter applies...
70.15.030 - Regulation of services during emergency by department—Orders—Host entity duties. - RCW 70.15.030 Regulation of services during emergency by department—Orders—Host entity...
70.15.040 - Volunteer health practitioner registration systems—Requirements. - RCW 70.15.040 Volunteer health practitioner registration systems—Requirements. (1) To qualify...
70.15.050 - Recognition of volunteer health practitioners licensed in other states. - RCW 70.15.050 Recognition of volunteer health practitioners licensed in other...
70.15.060 - No effect on health facility credentialing and privileging standards. - RCW 70.15.060 No effect on health facility credentialing and privileging...
70.15.070 - Provision of volunteer health or veterinary services—Scope of practice—Modifications or restrictions—Unauthorized practice—Administrative sanctions. - RCW 70.15.070 Provision of volunteer health or veterinary services—Scope of...
70.15.080 - Relation to other laws—Emergency management assistance compact—Pacific Northwest emergency management arrangement. - RCW 70.15.080 Relation to other laws—Emergency management assistance compact—Pacific Northwest...
70.15.090 - Rules—Consultation with state military department and other agencies. - RCW 70.15.090 Rules—Consultation with state military department and other agencies....
70.15.100 - Volunteer health practitioners—Workers' compensation coverage—Rules. - RCW 70.15.100 Volunteer health practitioners—Workers' compensation coverage—Rules. (1) A volunteer...
70.15.110 - Liability—Volunteer health practitioners—Operation, use, reliance upon volunteer health practitioner registration system. - RCW 70.15.110 Liability—Volunteer health practitioners—Operation, use, reliance upon volunteer health...
70.15.900 - Short title. - RCW 70.15.900 Short title. This chapter may be known and...
70.15.901 - Uniformity of application and construction. - RCW 70.15.901 Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and...