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70.136.010 - Legislative intent. - RCW 70.136.010 Legislative intent. It is the intent of the...
70.136.020 - Definitions. - RCW 70.136.020 Definitions. The definitions set forth in this section...
70.136.030 - Incident command agencies—Designation by political subdivisions. - RCW 70.136.030 Incident command agencies—Designation by political subdivisions. The governing...
70.136.035 - Incident command agencies—Assistance from state patrol. - RCW 70.136.035 Incident command agencies—Assistance from state patrol. In political...
70.136.040 - Incident command agencies—Emergency assistance agreements. - RCW 70.136.040 Incident command agencies—Emergency assistance agreements. Hazardous materials incident...
70.136.050 - Persons and agencies rendering emergency aid in hazardous materials incidents—Immunity from liability—Limitations. - RCW 70.136.050 Persons and agencies rendering emergency aid in hazardous...
70.136.060 - Written emergency assistance agreements—Terms and conditions—Records. - RCW 70.136.060 Written emergency assistance agreements—Terms and conditions—Records. Hazardous materials...
70.136.070 - Verbal emergency assistance agreements—Good Samaritan law—Notification—Form. - RCW 70.136.070 Verbal emergency assistance agreements—Good Samaritan law—Notification—Form. (1) Verbal...