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68.56.010 - Unlawful damage to graves, markers, shrubs, etc.—Interfering with funeral. - RCW 68.56.010 Unlawful damage to graves, markers, shrubs, etc.—Interfering with...
68.56.020 - Unlawful damage to graves, markers, shrubs, etc.—Civil liability for damage. - RCW 68.56.020 Unlawful damage to graves, markers, shrubs, etc.—Civil liability...
68.56.030 - Unlawful damage to graves, markers, shrubs, etc.—Exceptions. - RCW 68.56.030 Unlawful damage to graves, markers, shrubs, etc.—Exceptions. The...
68.56.040 - Nonconforming cemetery a nuisance—Penalty. - RCW 68.56.040 Nonconforming cemetery a nuisance—Penalty. Every person, firm, or...
68.56.050 - Defendant liable for costs. - RCW 68.56.050 Defendant liable for costs. Every person who violates...
68.56.060 - Police authority—Who may exercise. - RCW 68.56.060 Police authority—Who may exercise. The sexton, superintendent, or...
68.56.070 - Forfeiture of office for inattention to duty. - RCW 68.56.070 Forfeiture of office for inattention to duty. The...
68.56.900 - Effective date—1987 c 331. - RCW 68.56.900 Effective date—1987 c 331. See RCW 68.05.900.