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68.44.010 - Funds authorized—Investments. - RCW 68.44.010 Funds authorized—Investments. Any cemetery authority not exempt under...
68.44.020 - Use and care of funds. - RCW 68.44.020 Use and care of funds. Endowment care funds...
68.44.030 - Authorized investments. - RCW 68.44.030 Authorized investments. Endowment care funds shall be kept...
68.44.060 - Unauthorized loans—Penalty. - RCW 68.44.060 Unauthorized loans—Penalty. Every director or officer authorizing or...
68.44.070 - Use of contributions to funds. - RCW 68.44.070 Use of contributions to funds. Contributions to endowment...
68.44.080 - Plans for care—Financing. - RCW 68.44.080 Plans for care—Financing. The cemetery authority may adopt...
68.44.090 - Covenant to care for cemetery. - RCW 68.44.090 Covenant to care for cemetery. Upon payment of...
68.44.100 - Agreement by owner to care for plot. - RCW 68.44.100 Agreement by owner to care for plot. Upon...
68.44.110 - Trustees of fund. - RCW 68.44.110 Trustees of fund. Unless an association of lot...
68.44.115 - Trustee to file statement with board—Resignation of trusteeship. - RCW 68.44.115 Trustee to file statement with board—Resignation of trusteeship....
68.44.120 - Directors as trustees—Secretary. - RCW 68.44.120 Directors as trustees—Secretary. The directors of a cemetery...
68.44.130 - Bank or trust company as trustee. - RCW 68.44.130 Bank or trust company as trustee. In lieu...
68.44.140 - Compensation of trustees. - RCW 68.44.140 Compensation of trustees. Compensation to the board of...
68.44.150 - Annual report. - RCW 68.44.150 Annual report. The cemetery authority or the trustees...
68.44.160 - Contributions. - RCW 68.44.160 Contributions. A cemetery authority which has established an...
68.44.170 - Use of income from fund. - RCW 68.44.170 Use of income from fund. The income from...
68.44.180 - Certain cemeteries exempt from chapter. - RCW 68.44.180 Certain cemeteries exempt from chapter. This chapter does...
68.44.900 - Effective date—1987 c 331. - RCW 68.44.900 Effective date—1987 c 331. See RCW 68.05.900.