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68.36.010 - Sale of abandoned space—Presumption of abandonment. - RCW 68.36.010 Sale of abandoned space—Presumption of abandonment. The ownership...
68.36.020 - Notice—Requirements—Limitation on placing. - RCW 68.36.020 Notice—Requirements—Limitation on placing. Cemetery management shall place a...
68.36.030 - Petition for order of abandonment—Notice and hearing. - RCW 68.36.030 Petition for order of abandonment—Notice and hearing. After...
68.36.040 - Service of notice. - RCW 68.36.040 Service of notice. The notice may be served...
68.36.050 - Hearing—Order—Attorneys' fees. - RCW 68.36.050 Hearing—Order—Attorneys' fees. An owner or claimant may appear...
68.36.060 - Contract for care before adjudication. - RCW 68.36.060 Contract for care before adjudication. If at any...
68.36.070 - Contract for care within one year after adjudication. - RCW 68.36.070 Contract for care within one year after adjudication....
68.36.080 - Sale after one year. - RCW 68.36.080 Sale after one year. One year after the...
68.36.100 - Petition may cover several lots. - RCW 68.36.100 Petition may cover several lots. In any one...