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6.21.010 - Application of chapter to district courts. - RCW 6.21.010 Application of chapter to district courts. All the...
6.21.020 - Notice of sale—Personal property. - RCW 6.21.020 Notice of sale—Personal property. Before the sale of...
6.21.030 - Notice of sale—Real property—Form for publication. - RCW 6.21.030 Notice of sale—Real property—Form for publication. Before the...
6.21.040 - Notice of sale of real property—Form of notice to judgment debtor. - RCW 6.21.040 Notice of sale of real property—Form of notice...
6.21.050 - Time and place of sale—Postponements. - RCW 6.21.050 Time and place of sale—Postponements. (1) All sales...
6.21.060 - Amount of property to be sold—Officers and deputies may not purchase. - RCW 6.21.060 Amount of property to be sold—Officers and deputies...
6.21.070 - Manner of sale of personal property—Bill of sale—Sheriff's deed if real estate contract. - RCW 6.21.070 Manner of sale of personal property—Bill of sale—Sheriff's...
6.21.080 - Redemption rights—Sale of short term leasehold and vendor's interest under real estate contract absolute. - RCW 6.21.080 Redemption rights—Sale of short term leasehold and vendor's...
6.21.090 - Manner of selling real estate—Sale by lot, acre—Measurement. - RCW 6.21.090 Manner of selling real estate—Sale by lot, acre—Measurement....
6.21.100 - Sale of real property to highest bidder—Sheriff's return and certificate of sale. - RCW 6.21.100 Sale of real property to highest bidder—Sheriff's return...
6.21.110 - Confirmation of sale—Objections—Resale—Distribution of sale proceeds—Filing of certificate. - RCW 6.21.110 Confirmation of sale—Objections—Resale—Distribution of sale proceeds—Filing of certificate....
6.21.120 - Sheriff's deed to real property sold. - RCW 6.21.120 Sheriff's deed to real property sold. In all...
6.21.130 - Effect of reversal of judgment on sale of real property. - RCW 6.21.130 Effect of reversal of judgment on sale of...