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54.24.010 - Treasurer—Bond—Duties—Funds—Depositaries. - RCW 54.24.010 Treasurer—Bond—Duties—Funds—Depositaries. (1) The treasurer of the county in...
54.24.012 - Destruction of canceled or paid revenue obligations and interest coupons. - RCW 54.24.012 Destruction of canceled or paid revenue obligations and...
54.24.018 - Acquisition of property—Adoption of plan—Bonds or warrants—Special funds. - RCW 54.24.018 Acquisition of property—Adoption of plan—Bonds or warrants—Special funds....
54.24.020 - General obligation bonds, revenue obligations for cost of utilities. - RCW 54.24.020 General obligation bonds, revenue obligations for cost of...
54.24.030 - Revenue obligations—Special fund—Form, term, payment, etc.—Resolution of authority, contents—Contracts for future sale. - RCW 54.24.030 Revenue obligations—Special fund—Form, term, payment, etc.—Resolution of authority,...
54.24.040 - Considerations in creating special fund—Status of claims against fund—When lien attaches. - RCW 54.24.040 Considerations in creating special fund—Status of claims against...
54.24.050 - Covenants to secure owners of revenue obligations. - RCW 54.24.050 Covenants to secure owners of revenue obligations. Any...
54.24.060 - Sale, delivery of revenue obligations. - RCW 54.24.060 Sale, delivery of revenue obligations. (1) Such utility...
54.24.070 - Prima facie validity of revenue obligations. - RCW 54.24.070 Prima facie validity of revenue obligations. The state...
54.24.080 - Rates and charges—Waiver of connection charges for low-income persons. - RCW 54.24.080 Rates and charges—Waiver of connection charges for low-income...
54.24.090 - Funding, refunding revenue obligations. - RCW 54.24.090 Funding, refunding revenue obligations. Whenever any district shall...
54.24.100 - Execution of revenue obligations—Signatures. - RCW 54.24.100 Execution of revenue obligations—Signatures. (1) All revenue obligations,...
54.24.110 - Laws and resolutions as contract. - RCW 54.24.110 Laws and resolutions as contract. The provisions of...
54.24.120 - Obligations as lawful securities and investments. - RCW 54.24.120 Obligations as lawful securities and investments. All bonds,...
54.24.200 - Local improvement guaranty fund. - RCW 54.24.200 Local improvement guaranty fund. Every public utility district...
54.24.210 - Local improvement guaranty fund—Duties of the district. - RCW 54.24.210 Local improvement guaranty fund—Duties of the district. To...
54.24.220 - Local improvement guaranty fund—Warrants to meet liabilities. - RCW 54.24.220 Local improvement guaranty fund—Warrants to meet liabilities. When...
54.24.230 - Local improvement guaranty fund—Certificates of delinquency—Contents, purchase, payment, issuance, sale. - RCW 54.24.230 Local improvement guaranty fund—Certificates of delinquency—Contents, purchase, payment,...
54.24.240 - Local improvement guaranty fund—Certificates of delinquency—Redemption, foreclosure. - RCW 54.24.240 Local improvement guaranty fund—Certificates of delinquency—Redemption, foreclosure. The...
54.24.250 - Local improvement guaranty fund—Subrogation of district as trustee of fund, effect on fund, disposition of proceeds. - RCW 54.24.250 Local improvement guaranty fund—Subrogation of district as trustee...
54.24.260 - Local improvement guaranty fund—Rights and remedies of bond or warrant holder which shall be printed on bond or warrant—Disposition of balance of fund. - RCW 54.24.260 Local improvement guaranty fund—Rights and remedies of bond...