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5.70.005 - Definitions. - RCW 5.70.005 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
5.70.010 - Preservation of DNA work product—Failure to preserve DNA work product. - RCW 5.70.010 Preservation of DNA work product—Failure to preserve DNA...
5.70.020 - Destruction of DNA reference samples—Expungement of DNA reference sample data. - RCW 5.70.020 Destruction of DNA reference samples—Expungement of DNA reference...
5.70.030 - Unreported sexual assault kits—Transportation to local law enforcement agency—Storage and preservation. - RCW 5.70.030 Unreported sexual assault kits—Transportation to local law enforcement...
5.70.040 - Sexual assault kits—Request for laboratory examination—Report to the legislature. - RCW 5.70.040 Sexual assault kits—Request for laboratory examination—Report to the...
5.70.050 - Duty to submit requests for forensic analysis of sexual assault kits within time prescribed—Exceptions. - RCW 5.70.050 Duty to submit requests for forensic analysis of...
5.70.060 - Case status updates—Reports. - RCW 5.70.060 Case status updates—Reports. (1) For any sexual assault...