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47.06.010 - Findings. - RCW 47.06.010 Findings. The legislature recognizes that the ownership and...
47.06.020 - Role of department. - RCW 47.06.020 Role of department. The specific role of the...
47.06.040 - Statewide multimodal transportation plan. - RCW 47.06.040 Statewide multimodal transportation plan. The department shall develop...
47.06.043 - Technical workers—Skill enhancement. - RCW 47.06.043 Technical workers—Skill enhancement. The state interest component of...
47.06.045 - Freight mobility plan. - RCW 47.06.045 Freight mobility plan. The state-interest component of the...
47.06.050 - State-owned facilities component. - RCW 47.06.050 State-owned facilities component. The state-owned facilities component of...
47.06.060 - Aviation plan. - RCW 47.06.060 Aviation plan. The state-interest component of the statewide...
47.06.070 - Marine ports and navigation plan. - RCW 47.06.070 Marine ports and navigation plan. The state-interest component...
47.06.080 - Freight rail plan. - RCW 47.06.080 Freight rail plan. The state-interest component of the...
47.06.090 - Intercity passenger rail plan. - RCW 47.06.090 Intercity passenger rail plan. The state-interest component of...
47.06.100 - Bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways plan. - RCW 47.06.100 Bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways plan. The state-interest...
47.06.110 - Public transportation plan. - RCW 47.06.110 Public transportation plan. The state-interest component of the...
47.06.120 - High capacity transportation planning and regional transportation planning—Role of department. - RCW 47.06.120 High capacity transportation planning and regional transportation planning—Role...
47.06.130 - Special planning studies—Cost-benefit analysis. - RCW 47.06.130 Special planning studies—Cost-benefit analysis. (1) The department may...
47.06.140 - Transportation facilities and services of statewide significance—Level of service standards. - RCW 47.06.140 Transportation facilities and services of statewide significance—Level of...