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36.67.010 - Authority to contract indebtedness—Limitations. - RCW 36.67.010 Authority to contract indebtedness—Limitations. A county may contract...
36.67.060 - Bond retirement. - RCW 36.67.060 Bond retirement. Bonds issued under this chapter shall...
36.67.070 - Payment of interest. - RCW 36.67.070 Payment of interest. Any coupons for the payment...
36.67.500 - "This chapter" means RCW 36.67.510 through 36.67.570. - RCW 36.67.500 "This chapter" means RCW 36.67.510 through 36.67.570. As...
36.67.510 - Revenue bonds authorized. - RCW 36.67.510 Revenue bonds authorized. The county legislative authority of...
36.67.520 - When issued—Amounts—Purposes—Costs and expenses. - RCW 36.67.520 When issued—Amounts—Purposes—Costs and expenses. All such revenue bonds...
36.67.530 - Form—Terms—Interest—Execution and signatures. - RCW 36.67.530 Form—Terms—Interest—Execution and signatures. (1) When revenue bonds are...
36.67.540 - Special funds, creation and use—Use of tax revenue prohibited—Bonds are negotiable instruments—Statement on face—Remedy for failure to set aside revenue. - RCW 36.67.540 Special funds, creation and use—Use of tax revenue...
36.67.550 - Covenants—Law and resolutions constitute contract with holders—Remedies. - RCW 36.67.550 Covenants—Law and resolutions constitute contract with holders—Remedies. The...
36.67.560 - Funding and refunding. - RCW 36.67.560 Funding and refunding. (1) The county legislative authority...
36.67.570 - Liberal construction—Effect of other acts. - RCW 36.67.570 Liberal construction—Effect of other acts. This chapter shall...