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26.51.010 - Findings—Intent. - RCW 26.51.010 Findings—Intent. The legislature recognizes that individuals who abuse...
26.51.020 - Definitions. - RCW 26.51.020 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
26.51.030 - Order restricting abusive litigation—Who may request, when—Instructions, brochures, and forms—Fees. - RCW 26.51.030 Order restricting abusive litigation—Who may request, when—Instructions, brochures,...
26.51.040 - Hearing—Procedure. - RCW 26.51.040 Hearing—Procedure. (1) If a party asserts that they...
26.51.050 - Evidence creating a rebuttable presumption that the litigation is primarily for the purpose of harassing, intimidating, or maintaining contact with the other party. - RCW 26.51.050 Evidence creating a rebuttable presumption that the litigation...
26.51.060 - Burden of proof—Dismissal or denial of pending abusive litigation—Entry of order restricting abusive litigation. - RCW 26.51.060 Burden of proof—Dismissal or denial of pending abusive...
26.51.070 - Filing of new case or motion by person subject to an order restricting abusive litigation—Requirements—Procedures. - RCW 26.51.070 Filing of new case or motion by person...
26.51.900 - Construction—2020 c 311. - RCW 26.51.900 Construction—2020 c 311. This act shall be construed...
26.51.901 - Effective date—2020 c 311. - RCW 26.51.901 Effective date—2020 c 311. This act takes effect...