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26.40.010 - Declaration of purpose. - RCW 26.40.010 Declaration of purpose. The purpose of this chapter...
26.40.020 - Removal, denial of parental responsibility—Commitment not an admission requirement to any school. - RCW 26.40.020 Removal, denial of parental responsibility—Commitment not an admission...
26.40.030 - Petition by parent for order of commitment—Grounds. - RCW 26.40.030 Petition by parent for order of commitment—Grounds. The...
26.40.040 - Petition by parent for order of commitment—Contents—Who may be co-custodians—Effective date. - RCW 26.40.040 Petition by parent for order of commitment—Contents—Who may...
26.40.050 - Petition by parent for order of commitment—Hearing—Written consent of co-custodians required. - RCW 26.40.050 Petition by parent for order of commitment—Hearing—Written consent...
26.40.060 - Notice, copies, filing of order of commitment. - RCW 26.40.060 Notice, copies, filing of order of commitment. Upon...
26.40.070 - Petition by parent for rescission, change in co-custodians, determination of parental responsibility. - RCW 26.40.070 Petition by parent for rescission, change in co-custodians,...
26.40.080 - Health and welfare of committed child—State and co-custodian responsibilities. - RCW 26.40.080 Health and welfare of committed child—State and co-custodian...
26.40.090 - Petition by co-custodians for rescission of commitment—Hearing. - RCW 26.40.090 Petition by co-custodians for rescission of commitment—Hearing. When...
26.40.100 - Chapter does not affect commitments under other laws. - RCW 26.40.100 Chapter does not affect commitments under other laws....