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23B.09.005 - Definitions. - RCW 23B.09.005 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
23B.09.010 - Entity conversion. - RCW 23B.09.010 Entity conversion. (1) A domestic corporation may become...
23B.09.020 - Plan of entity conversion. - RCW 23B.09.020 Plan of entity conversion. (1) A plan of...
23B.09.030 - Approval of a plan of entity conversion. - RCW 23B.09.030 Approval of a plan of entity conversion. In...
23B.09.040 - Articles of entity conversion. - RCW 23B.09.040 Articles of entity conversion. (1) After a plan...
23B.09.050 - Effect of entity conversion. - RCW 23B.09.050 Effect of entity conversion. (1) An entity that...
23B.09.060 - Abandonment of entity conversion. - RCW 23B.09.060 Abandonment of entity conversion. (1) Unless otherwise provided...