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23B.01.010 - Short title. - RCW 23B.01.010 Short title. This title shall be known and...
23B.01.020 - Reservation of power to amend or repeal. - RCW 23B.01.020 Reservation of power to amend or repeal. The...
23B.01.200 - Filing requirements. - RCW 23B.01.200 Filing requirements. (1) A document required or permitted...
23B.01.202 - Certificate of authority as insurance company—Filing of records. - RCW 23B.01.202 Certificate of authority as insurance company—Filing of records....
23B.01.204 - Certificate of authority from department of financial institutions—Filing of records. - RCW 23B.01.204 Certificate of authority from department of financial institutions—Filing...
23B.01.220 - Fees. - RCW 23B.01.220 Fees. Corporations are subject to the applicable fees,...
23B.01.230 - Effective time and date of document. - RCW 23B.01.230 Effective time and date of document. A document...
23B.01.240 - Correcting filed documents. - RCW 23B.01.240 Correcting filed documents. A domestic or foreign corporation...
23B.01.250 - Filing duty of secretary of state. - RCW 23B.01.250 Filing duty of secretary of state. RCW 23.95.225...
23B.01.280 - Certificate of existence or registration. - RCW 23B.01.280 Certificate of existence or registration. Any person may...
23B.01.290 - Penalty for signing false document. - RCW 23B.01.290 Penalty for signing false document. RCW 23.95.240 governs...
23B.01.300 - Powers. - RCW 23B.01.300 Powers. The secretary of state has the power...
23B.01.400 - Definitions. - RCW 23B.01.400 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the...
23B.01.410 - Notice. - RCW 23B.01.410 Notice. (1) A notice under this title must...
23B.01.420 - Notice—Common address—Address defined—Shareholders consent. - RCW 23B.01.420 Notice—Common address—Address defined—Shareholders consent. (1) A corporation has...
23B.01.520 - Domestic corporations—Filing, initial, and annual license fees. - RCW 23B.01.520 Domestic corporations—Filing, initial, and annual license fees. For...
23B.01.540 - Foreign corporations—Filing and annual license fees. - RCW 23B.01.540 Foreign corporations—Filing and annual license fees. A foreign...
23B.01.570 - Penalty for nonpayment of annual corporate license fees and failure to file a substantially complete annual report—Payment of delinquent fees—Rules. - RCW 23B.01.570 Penalty for nonpayment of annual corporate license fees...
23B.01.590 - Public service companies entitled to deductions. - RCW 23B.01.590 Public service companies entitled to deductions. The annual...