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10.89.010 - Authority of foreign peace officer. - RCW 10.89.010 Authority of foreign peace officer. Any member of...
10.89.020 - Preliminary examination by magistrate. - RCW 10.89.020 Preliminary examination by magistrate. If an arrest is...
10.89.030 - Construction as to lawfulness of arrest. - RCW 10.89.030 Construction as to lawfulness of arrest. RCW 10.89.010...
10.89.040 - "State" includes District of Columbia. - RCW 10.89.040 "State" includes District of Columbia. For the purpose...
10.89.050 - "Fresh pursuit" defined. - RCW 10.89.050 "Fresh pursuit" defined. The term "fresh pursuit" as...
10.89.060 - Duty to send copies to other states. - RCW 10.89.060 Duty to send copies to other states. Upon...
10.89.080 - Short title. - RCW 10.89.080 Short title. This chapter may be cited as...