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10.52.040 - Compelling witness to attend and testify—Accused as witness. - RCW 10.52.040 Compelling witness to attend and testify—Accused as witness....
10.52.060 - Confrontation of witnesses. - RCW 10.52.060 Confrontation of witnesses. Every person accused of crime...
10.52.090 - Incriminating testimony not to be used. - RCW 10.52.090 Incriminating testimony not to be used. In every...
10.52.100 - Identity of child victims of sexual assault not to be disclosed. - RCW 10.52.100 Identity of child victims of sexual assault not...
10.52.110 - Courthouse facility dog program. - RCW 10.52.110 Courthouse facility dog program. (1) Courts are authorized...